Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Back...I posted can you believe it??

Lets see where have I been? umm No where... :o)
My last post November 10 wow! Time flys when your having Fun!! haha
What have we been up too?
Let's see all of November I was using crutches that was a blast...just kidding it wasn't...I didn't really go anywhere! Newell did all the shopping, and instead of walking to the bus stop like I normally did Ellie and I drove Jacob to the bus stop. I had a birthday it was a wonderful day and I had Cafe Rio for my "birthday dinner" Yummy!! THANK YOU Dad and Mom! :0)
Thanksgiving was great love to be with my family and I still went shopping with crutches on "Black Friday" Thanks to Rae!! I couldn't have done it without her!
December I love the holidays of getting lights on the house, putting up a tree, all the decorations and the excitement from the kids. I love being with family and the traditions we have!! As always it was a great month we had a wonderful time with our family! I love the decorations but then again I am so excited to get them down and celebrating the New Year.
New Years....well not much comes to mind other then celebrating with family and having fondue...we had a great time!! And then we all caught the flu...enough said you know what happens :-p
January and yet another month past us! I can't believe it's over and already February is going quickly...mmmm well the month of January Newell had a birthday....and I hope he had a great day! I think he did ;0) Jacob thought we should all have the day off and wondered why he had to go to school on his dads birthday! Well that's a little about what we have been doing...nothing overly exciting just normal everyday things :0) I am just so Thankful for ALL that me and my family have!! and I do mean ALL!!
NO promises but I hope to keep this blog updated because it really is fun to post.....

....A few pictures decorating cookies for Santa (don't cha love Newells hat he made it himself! lol) Jacob loved being on top of the roof with Newell putting up the lights....and Mom(Grandma) and Jacob boxing ( and she is winning he wasn't to happy about this :0) )......


Cheryl said...

That post brightened my day--so fun to read about your family. XOXO

Meridy said...

Glad you're back! ;)

adamsfamily said...

why were you using crutches? not fun....

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

What a fun post.
You wrote so cute.
Fun times.
Love you, Mom