Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time flys!!....It's been a long time but after my last post being messed up and then I posted one of Jacob's first day of school...well then that one I deleted somehow....lets just say I ain't so good at blogging---Anyways here is a few pics. and I'll try and stay updated, but I won't make any promises.... ;)

Jacob loves to fix Ellie's is his latest creation...he does such a great job :)
(You can usually hear them in the other room saying "let's go show Mom")

Jacob is always wearing this cowboy hat....


Meridy said...

How cute!

You guys have been having fun! Great pics!

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Cutest little kids!
Love 'em.
Yes siree I am a proud Grannie!

Raelyn Austin said...

So So Cute!!!! Its nice to see some posts...Lol...I am not much better!!!! Love you ;o)

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

Maybe Jacob could style my hair, anything would be an improvement! cute children!

J, K, E & C Hadley said...

So glad to see some pictures and posting. Keep up the good work!!! Love ya!

Meridy said...

Thanks! They are fun to make. I can make you one if you want me too. :) I do like the blog designer you use. She makes cute ones.